Melee fighting in the Society for Creative Anachronism (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Good clean family fun!īiff was a handsome, bombastic young man two years older than me. Of far greater concern to her was my infatuation with a young man I’ll call Biff (details will be obscured here slightly as he’s just the sort of nitwit who thinks lawsuits are the best way to handle damaging information leaks).
I got back into tabletop gaming with D&D and Paranoia and innocent games like that with my new friends in the SCA because there was a movement claiming these games were Satanic, my mother forced me to watch Mazes and Monsters, which I found comically inept and ridiculous, and she backed off after we had a long discussion about why the movie was not in any way describing any real dangers. I got involved with a historical re-enactment group called the Society for Creative Anachronism and found my niche at last in costuming and fencing. I discovered the Drama Club at school, slowly made normal friends, and tried to fit in.

Videotape cover, Mazes and Monsters (Warner Home Video, 1982) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) MAN he looks young, doesn’t he? I want those two hours of my life back that I spent watching this back in the 80s. Now that I wasn’t involved in weird evangelical churches anymore, I blossomed at last in the late 80s.