LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins\mvtools2.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins\masktools2.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins\nnedi3.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins\RgTools.dll") Import("C:\Users\Main\Desktop\RipBot264 v1.23.0.7\Tools\AviSynth plugins\Scripts\QTGMC-3.32.avsi") If I try to load this (from the previous post): Thanks, that worked for reading the error messages. Try clicking in the seek bar and then clicking play for the error message The presents don't just affect compression, they also affect quality because they use different settings to either speed up or slow down things to make better predictions. Maybe someone could give me a rundown of what I'm not understanding, or respectively what I'm dowing wrong. Shouldn't cq encoding always keep the same visual quality, and the slower speeds allow for better compression, meaning that the tendency should be the other way around. I redid the same thing with Handbrake, yielding similar results. The resulting Bitrate while having an constant CQ vastly differentiates with the preset.įor example, i reencoded the first 20 Minutes of a 4K remux, 3840x1608, keeping 10bit and HDR, assuming that this should be x265 strongest disciplin, with the following results: I'm just baffled by the results im getting:

Thanks to RipBot and distributed encoding, x265 is now feasable for normal people as well. I'm new to the party, acquired a capable Drive and am know ripping, remuxing and partially compressing my BluRays and UHD's.